Genesis proudly develops for the .NET Framework.
Using current best practices and design patterns, our team of developers works
closely with businesses to architect and implement scalable, reliable and
effective software solutions.
Don't fret however, if you are not yet on board with .NET, we can still help. VB, FoxPro,
Access, ASP - we can help you continue to earn ROI on your legacy applications,
by either enhancing or integrating your existing applications or databases with
the latest technologies.
Regardless of the technologies involved, Genesis develops software using a modified "Extreme Programming" (XP)
methodology. We believe that by working closely with a customer and delivering
working software frequently, we can reduce the headaches suffered on many
traditional projects.
We have extensive knowledge and development expertise in the following:
- Web-Based Home Banking Systems
- Check Imaging Systems
- Web-Based Account Statement Presentation Systems
- Asset and Portfolio Management Systems
- Leasing and Equipment Finance Management Systems
- Web-Based Online Auction and Bidding Systems
- Inventory Management Systems
- Broadcast Faxing, Emailing and CRM solutions
- Order Fulfillment Systems
- ACH and Payment Processing Systems
- Web-Based Paperless Office Solutions
- HIPAA, FFIEC, NCUA Compliancy
- Claims Processing Systems

Think of the most successful project you may have ever been
involved in, what was the key ingredient to success? No doubt it was the
passion and vision of those intimately involved with the project. Vision and passion
for the project are the key principles behind Genesis Systems OPEN 5
Development. The Genesis shop is staffed by fulltime software craftsmen, not
laborers, all of whom carry this same attitude. Read more about the five main
principles of OPEN 5 Development below…

Most tech nerds don’t really understand client problems. We
let you talk, listen to what you want and see your vision.
Then we use our past experiences to help you take your
vision to the next level. We get it.

Writing code endlessly can reduce a programmer to a drone.
Our lively culture and personal commitment to our client’s success keeps us
enthused and focused on scaling ever taller project mountains. Stop by and
check us out!

Our clients appreciate our ability to sort through the chaff
and boil details down to the key requirements for success.

In an effort to avoid mistakes, and often to place blame
when the project fails, many software developers confine themselves to rigid
procedures that actually become a barrier to success. Using informal
interaction with our clients is the very reason our projects unfold smoothly
and are valued by the end users.

Many software development projects languish, never to
be completed. Not at Genesis. We know what the finish line looks like before we