Genesis is now offering it's G-Fense line of Email and Internet protection managed services
Monday, February 20, 2006

Genesis Systems is now offering it's G-Fense line of Email and Internet protection managed services.

Based on the well known and trusted Barracuda Networks line of products, Genesis' G-Fense encompasses In- and Out-Bound email protection, along with Spyware and Content Filtering for subscribers web-browsers.

G-Fense provides SPAM, Virus and Phishing filtering for incoming mail - dramatically cutting down the amount of SPAM the subscriber's employees will see in their inbox - up to 97%.  G-Fense's outbound mail filtering ensures that subscribers mail servers, or possibly infected workstations, do not send Viruses and SPAM.  Studies show that companies have been embarrased or even held accountable when a workstation becomes infected and suddenly it's customers are receiving SPAM or Viruses that are traced back to the companies workstation or servers.

"Nearly every small to medium size business understands the importance of cutting down SPAM and Viruses in the employees mail boxes.  The amount of time spent by each employee handling the massive amounts of 'junk mail' each day equates to a pretty hefty amount of wasted employee time - which translates into real dollars." - says Brad Williams, Vice President - Operations of Genesis Systems.

 "Not to mention service calls to get the email server or the nework cleaned up.  The small monthly fee for the managed service is really less than the cost of a single support visit. In actuality, one really bad Virus infection cleanup can cover the cost of the service for a year or more.  With Genesis' G-Fense managed solution, it's really a no-brainer decision to make."

G-Fense further provides backup mail service - in the event the clients mail server is down, unavailable to the Internet, or simply too busy to respond to incoming mail requests. Genesis' servers will hold the incoming mail - cutting down the chances that the companies incoming Internet mail will be lost.

Use of the G-Fense email system is transparent to the users of the subscribers email service - the only difference the employees see is a dramatic decrease in SPAM.

Each subscriber can decide at what levels their employees email will be quarantined or blocked.  Quarantined email may be managed either by a single administrator or by individual email recipients, providing maximum flexibility to the subscriber.

Finally, G-Fense provides for proxying web traffic in- and out-bound of the subscribers network.  Adult, gambling, pop-ups, phishing, drive-by spyware installs, viruses and more are blocked - never even entering the subscribers network where it can wreak havoc on systems, servers, and the HR and IT Department.

Companies that will benefit most from the G-Fense managed services are in the 10 to 100 employee range.

Companies larger than 100 employees can generally afford the installation of the equipment at their coporate headquarters - however, they too can benefit from Genesis Systems reseller relationship with Barracuda Networks.  Genesis can provide the hardware, installation, configuration and training for the Barracuda line of products, as well as ongoing monitoring and reporting.

Genesis Systems also provides managed firewall and other network services, along with co-location, remote-backup, and off-site critical server mirroring  - for a complete "one-stop-shop" for network security, maintenance and high-availability.

For further information on how you can protect your network using Genesis Systems G-Fense managed services, call 402-592-1452, or email:

The G-Fense website can be visited at: